You've heard of the "Breakfast Club", the "First Wives Club", the "Mickey Mouse Club"...
but have you ever heard of
the "Sweatshirt Club"?
but have you ever heard of
the "Sweatshirt Club"?
No I hadn't either, all I knew for sure is that I wasn't a member and to
be honest I was very SAD not to have been a member.
We were up in Mammoth recently with
a great group of couples.
6 couples
6 couples
to be exact, and we did everything from eating, laughing, hiking, fishing, and drinking to shopping.
For some it was their first time camping,
for others it was
for others it was
their first time
(but that's a different post)
One of the days, we went our separate ways.
A few of us (not me)
A few of us (not me)
A couple of us (not me) went on a motorcycle ride....
Others of us (me included)
went to a pretty little lake called Virginia Lake.
It was so still, calm and serene.
Just beautiful!
It was my first time fishing from a float tube and I couldn't have
done it on a more perfect lake.
I had a very successful afternoon
on the float tube. Which is code for
I didn't fall in and I caught a couple of fish.
That evening however, I found
out what those 2 fish cost me....that's right!
A spot in the "Sweatshirt Club"
Well as luck would have it, these ladies went on
the hike to Devil's Postpile and did a little
light shopping. While they
were waiting for the bus to take them back from the trailhead they picked up
these sweatshirts.... and preceded to flaunt
them in front us. They coyly waited until the evening got chilly
and one by one put on their sweatshirts.
It was all in good fun of course, because
I am happy to say
the next day Sheryl and Sue
headed me down into the village and I
got my very own sweatshirt.
Can't wait to get back up there and wear it!!!