Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - Surf's Up

Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday... Surf's Up

I haven't played for quite some time but it is nice to be back. Thank you to Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for hosting. Be sure to check out the other Outdoor posts.

While Kevin and I were in Hawaii, we would plan our day around where we would watch the sunset. We would take our beverages and head to the selected beach. On this particular night we happened to be at the resort, so we headed over to the pool bar to watch the sunset.

We called it our 20.00 sunset. A beverage each, a tip for the lovely waitress and a gorgeous show. This evening we got a bonus attraction. Unseasonal waves graced our little bay, and with the waves came the surfers.

The hotel is out on the point so we got an amazing view of the surfers. I felt like I could catch the waves with them. We started watching just before sunset. There is something about a group of surfers waiting to catch a wave with the sun preparing to set.

I would love to go back when the really big
waves show up.

Doesn't it look great out there?

I took way too many pictures of the sunset.

We had several surfers come by to chat on their way home.


Slow and easy

Here's Kevin... he chose the weinie wave.

That's me on the wave...what do you think?

This doesn't even begin to show the beauty of the evening

They hung on until the very last piece of light crossed the ocean.

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