Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I think not....

We have started to reap the bounty of the garden. 
The garden has not been as successful
as I would have liked
(we had a bug)
but we have been enjoying tomatoes
like nobodies business. 

Size may not matter in this case,
because they aren't big,
but boy are they yummy. 

Kristi had picked several different types of peppers
to plant and these are actually doing great.

Madison helped us out by removing all the
name markers
for these peppers but I think
we can figure out what we have. 
Kristi has plans to make salsa
so we can try out our variety of peppers.

Other happenings...

My grapes are looking awesome.

We got the bark down beneath the plants
and I trimmed and tied up the vines.

I even planted a Cabernet...do you think
I can get a bottle of wine out of it?
I have plans for a grape stomping party.

We Kevin and Sean,
put bark under some of the trees too.
It looks so clean and neat.

and I bought a gift for the pork from Cost Plus.
We even used it Friday night

and last but not least...
the new
outfit I just bought.

In case of frost to the grapes. 
Keanu doesn't
come with.

Happy Tuesday.

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