Today is one of my favorite days. Today is Outdoor Wednesday hosted by
the lovely Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.
How does your husband show his love?
Candy, flowers, jewelry are a few of our favorite ways for our husbands to show us they care. Mine perfers showing his love by working hard for me. I don't think he
would recognize this in himself, but he always goes over and above with his
willingness to work for me and our family.
He chose this Mother's Day weekend to spruce up the yard. He worked
from morning until dusk to give me this gift.
This is a view from the gazebo looking up towards the house.
We love to have dinner here.
We love to have dinner here.
This is the wisteria covered arbor. It is always a nice cool place for a beverage.
(I got many rolling eyes from the family for this purchase)
I was so upset when I realized I couldn't get it home.
My son in law vounteered to carry on the plane all the way from Oklahoma a few months later.
He got many wild looks and I'm sure he was very embarrassed,
but he delivered it safe and sound. I wonder how many times during that trip he
asked himself why?
Thank you for walking my yard with me and enjoying my husband's hard work.