I am in the Big Apple this week....
actually the Little Apple. I am visiting family on
Long Island, NewYork
We arrived on Tuesday and met very humid
and hot weather.
We, and in we I mean my mom, Auntie Em, FU
and his lovely bride Laurie. We are here visiting one of our favorite people who is experiencing some health issues.
We were welcomed with open arms and open homes.
FU, Laurie and I are the houseguests of
my cousin Ricky and his wife Cathy. My mom and
auntie are houseguests of my Aunt Maryrose.
Yes, everyone in my family is named Maryrose.
We have been surprised my many unexpected visitors and are expecting more tomorrow, our last day.
Here are a few family pics
When my mom and her Aunt were little girls they
spent summers at Sound Beach in a
family bungalow. We attempted to find the bungalow
but were unsuccessful. We will try again tomorrow.
We did find the beach they went to though.
Sound Beach
The siblings and Auntie Em minus U Emil and Aunt Maryrose
We also went to visit Westbury where my mom lived as a girl.
We were very dissappointed to see how run down it was.
My grandfather had bought it new and it was painted pink.
We lovingly called it the PINK HOUSE
We really enjoyed our day.