Friday, August 14, 2009

Life of the Party

I know, from that title you all are assuming it was me. But alas, no, I have some competition.
We went to Kristi's last night for game night. Danielle will be leaving on Saturday so we are trying to fit in as much "family" time as we can.
Madison decided to clown around, so I will start this series with the "Life of the Party" Madison is so close to walking... the desire is there but the skill level needs to follow. Cruising is what she does best, and she is now a one handed cruiser.

She started on one side of the ottoman.

Are you watching... I'm going to start

Along the way... she wanted to check out what Riley is doing.

Wait a minute... time out to check out something on the floor.

I'm half way .... are you proud of me?

Now if I can only let go and walk over there ...

No .. not yet I want to get to the end of the ottoman. Maybe someone
will give me a cookie.
Look how cute I am...
Do you think I look like a pixie?
I did it.... now I am ready for my cookie.

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