Welcome to Tablescape Thursday
hosted by the lovely Susan at Between Naps on the Porch
While setting my table in yellow and black this week,
I was joined by a swarm of visitors.
Bees, bees and more bees.
I picked up this tablecloth last summer at Tai Pan Trading Co. I love
the crisp yellow with the sprinkling of black bees. I never
got a chance to use it so I was happy to pull it out. It came in
a cute matching pouch.
I had these cute bee napkin rings but before
I could put them on my napkins
they flew to the light of the candle (wait ....isn't that a moth?)
I found this water jug last week at HomeGoods
and have big plans for it this summer.....
I'm thinking lemonade, ice tea....maybe some sangria
Aren't these bowls cute with bumblebees on them aren't they
just perfect with my tablecloth?
Here you can see a few of the bees and the fun runner.
My runner is a damask cloth that matches my salad plates and a yellow and white daisy runner.
Perfect for the bees when they go on a pollen run.
You can see my fun water jug and
the daisy runner in this picture
A bird's eye view
Can you see the bee that landed on my rose topiary?
Morning light
Love this runner... I hated to cover up the cute flower centers
Here is the layering....wooden charger, black charger
yellow plate, black and white damask salad plate
and bee yourself bowl
The bee napkins are edged with a cute black rick rack
A shot of the placesetting
Now that the table is set is time to prepare dinner.
Any ideas?
Be sure to check out the other tablescape participants today
you will not be dissappointed.
Sidebar note: I found these candles thinking the sun
design was so fun on the candles. When I got home
and put my glasses on I realized it was just the outer wrapper.
Oh well, that will teach me to leave my glasses at home.
Remember to Beeee Yourself and have a great day!