Since I plan on binding this blog for the year or actually since it's conseption, I decided to include although late, some Christmas pictures. Our Christmas was a bit on the crazy side this year.
and as I post this I noticed I didn't have time to take
many pictures. I also missed pictures of Laurie
which I need to remedy.
many pictures. I also missed pictures of Laurie
which I need to remedy.
We started Christmas Eve morning with breakfast burritos and the best Bloody Marys in the world (courtesy of Kristi).
Joy, Dave, Delores, Kristi, Riley and Madison
joined my mom and me for our early morning festivities.
Don't tell anyone but,
it was my way of bribing them into helping me prepare some of the
meals I would be serving.
As is our other tradition...the men played golf.
Kevin, Sean, Tim and Jim
headed out to the golf course with their fair share
of Bloody Marys (also compliments of Kristi)
Stacy, James and Bella showed up at the house around 3:00.
They flew into Orange County,
grabbed a car and headed home.
We were so excited to see them, but barley had time to visit.
At 5:00 we were all sitting at Christmas Eve service
which was wonderful.
The place was packed with families and tons of kids on the verge of letting loose.
We enjoyed a great message and a reminder to count
our many blessings.
Back to the house for dinner and beverages.
Our Christmas Eve menu was:
Cheese enchiladas
Carne asada (grilled by Kevin)
Peggy's chicken enchiladas (prepared by Kristi)
Beans and Rice
Chips and Salsa
And the usual over amount of sweets and desserts

The elders...Delores, Mom and Jim taking in all of the craziness
with Joy and half of Dave in the background.
or as I like to call them the Paparazzi
Tim, man with a mission...take as much video as you can,
without taking any of your mother in law.

I think he failed since I am so loud and obnoxious... Here's Madi

and the other videographer, James .... these guys were busy

and Riley... what's up with the hat... it isn't even a Christmas present.

After gifts we enjoyed a lovely brunch.
Everyone went home to regroup and I headed
back to the kitchen to start our dinner.
Thanks to a houseful of family that wasn't such a chore.
Later that day we enjoyed:
Prime rib with horseradish
Garlic mashed potatoes
Spinach salad
Garlic Bread
and that doesn't even list the lovely appetizers and
After gaining 20 lbs each
I declare Christmas a huge success... I had
a blast and I hope everyone else had a great time
That evening after dinner as is our usual
tradition...Santa pays us a visit. Somehow on his way to delivering
tradition...Santa pays us a visit. Somehow on his way to delivering
to all of the good little boys and girls he manages to stop off and deliver some
special Christmas PJ's to all the good boys and girls
at the Kelley house.
So with all fed and watered the grown ups
play and the kiddies head off to sleep.
play and the kiddies head off to sleep.
Next morning we started all over again. The Rush's and elder Kelleys headed back over
and the present opening fest began.
Stacy and Bella
The Vanderheiden Family
Tim and Madison.... Madison was just taking in the scene. I'm
not sure Tim was all the way awake.
We were also joined by the Arizona Kiefer's
This was a nice treat to have us all
Kasey and Tom
Ryan sporting his new Indiana Jones Hat...with Diane
in the background
Beautiful Bella
A few crazies attacking Kristi
Our FU (favorite uncle) Frank
The elders...Delores, Mom and Jim taking in all of the craziness
with Joy and half of Dave in the background.
or as I like to call them the Paparazzi
Kevin and Sean above and Tinker Bell aka Bella below
Me and Madison having a few laughs
Cousins sharing a moment
without taking any of your mother in law.
I think he failed since I am so loud and obnoxious... Here's Madi
and the other videographer, James .... these guys were busy
and Riley... what's up with the hat... it isn't even a Christmas present.
After gifts we enjoyed a lovely brunch.
Everyone went home to regroup and I headed
back to the kitchen to start our dinner.
Thanks to a houseful of family that wasn't such a chore.
Later that day we enjoyed:
Prime rib with horseradish
Garlic mashed potatoes
Spinach salad
Garlic Bread
and that doesn't even list the lovely appetizers and
After gaining 20 lbs each
I declare Christmas a huge success... I had
a blast and I hope everyone else had a great time